K-12 Math Courses
FINALLY-- online math courses designed specifically for dyscalculia!
Neurodivergence is not an afterthought, it's built into the framework.
EduCalc Learning trains educators in dyscalculia, the math learning disability.
Our vision is a K-16 landscape where dyscalculia is recognized, understood, identified, and addressed. Join us!

There's so much growth potential hiding in your neurodiverse students! Let us show you how to increase mastery, understanding, and test scores for these students.

Books & Supplies
Looking for something less intense than a training course? Grab a book or get a Toolbox and change your teaching today.
Teaching Students with Dyscalculia
Enseñar a Estudiantes con Discalculia
The Story of Me Student Workbook

Online Math Classes
Whether it's at home or in school, people with dyscalculia can take a math class designed for their needs. We can brand a class for your school, too.
Includes instruction, assessments, and transcript. High school courses may earn credit.
4th grade through Algebra 2 available, plus Chemistry and Financial Literacy